Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Run Your Butt Off (RYBO) - Intro & Stage One


Are you tickled by the Tickle of this blog entry?  Well It is a title of a book, that I ordered from the Editors of Runner's World. 

Why did I buy the book?  For that little person within me, that has secretly wanted to get back into running or at least jogging.  I ordered the book, and I think it showed up at the house sometime in October.  I spent some time flipping through it and then I finally started to read it.  So now that I am all amped up and ready to start...I'm recording this on teh blog. 

The book so far seems to be broken up in weekly segments, but the encourage you to go at your own pace.  So we will see how I Do.  Are you ready? 

Stage 1 Workout
  • Walk for 30 Minutes
  • Total workout time: 30 minutes
  • Do this workout at least 3 or 4 times in a week before moving on to the next stage. 
    Seems easy enough for the first stage huh?  Well I was almost tempted to skip this stage, since I know I can walk 30 minutes.  But I talked myself out of it.  I will make myself go for a walk for at least 30 minutes 3 times this week!  I promise! 

    Interested in finding out more about the book, Run Your Butt Off?  Check it out:  Book: Run your Butt Off

    I'm excited for the new challenge.
    Tuesday, November 22, 2011

    Inspired Yet Again....

    I spent a few hours today browsing various bloggers.  Reading content, looking at designs, widgets, etc.  When I spend time doing that, it always gets my wheels turning.  Even though I say I am keeping this blog as a personal diary for myself, I do want to make it the best it can be. 

    So the wheels are turning...and they are turning rather quickly.  I think 2012 may be the year, I move my blog to its own domain.  I think my blog may need a little out of pocket funding from me to really get it out there. 

    On a personal note, I have a long mental list of goals and aspirations.  I think I want to incorporate that into my blog.  I think a new page?  Maybe I can find a goal board type widget?  Who knows, but as the new year rolls in, I am looking for the new Me to be come forth.  No more holding back.  I am gonna be switching things up next year!  I am so excited. 

    If anyone out there in internet world stumbles upon this blog post, please feel free to make any suggestions that would help improve this blog.  I am open to any and all suggestions. 

    Take Care.

    Friday, November 18, 2011

    Thursday in Review...

    Well Thursday was a fairly decent day.  We had our office Thanksgiving Dinner and I kinda behaved myself.  This years work Thanksgiving Dinner was not as bountiful as it has been in the years past, which for me is a good thing.  Less things to tempt me into eatting to much.   After I left work I really did not feel like going to spin class...but I went ahead a showed up. 

         Scrambled Eggs
         1 roma Tomato
         2 slices of Ham

    Mid Am Snack

        Ham, Turkey, Yams, Collard Greens & a slice of Pumpkin pie, & a slice of Cream cheese cake
        Can of Coke

    Dinner (exactly 1 hr before spin class)
         99c cheeseburger from Wendys
         small frosty
    **Note to self: this was the worst thing to eat before going to spin class.

         1 hour of Spin Class @ 24 Hr Fitness
    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    Recap of Wednesday...

    Well I know I posted earlier I was making my way back, and since then I have not posted anything.  I already get an F.  So yesterday, was not a great eat day.  I indulged in some Taco Bell...why o why?  I was doing so well up until the Taco Bell indulgence.

    Wednesday was a pretty lull day.  Work was busy, which is probably for my best right now, it helps keep my mind off of things.  I meet up with a old co-worker from Citi National Bank.  She was over in Century City for a meeting and came and had coffee with me.  I also found out one of my other former CNB co-workers  now works across the lot from me!  I am excited!

    Okay here are the eats for the day:

         White Chocolate Latte
    Mid Am Snack

         Kale Salad w/ 1 slice of toast

    Mid Afternoon Snack
         Beef jerky

         3 tacos & a quesadilla from Taco Bell

    I was supposed to go to spin class last night but didn't.  I was go heavy & lazy after consumming all my taco bell, I couldn't work out!  LOL. I need help...pray for me people!
    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    Making my way back...

    Hey gang...Well it has been a rough 3-4 weeks here personally.  I can't remember how much I "blogged" about my apartment issues.  But just to keep the story short, I have been living out of boxes for 2 weeks, Sleeping on an air matress for about a month now.  It was a hard transition, a vast mix of emotions, alot of heart ache, pain, and tears. 

    Over the weekend, I decided its time to get back to a routine.  Now that I am slowing unpacking my apartment, I now have access to my pots & pans, cups, my oven, its time to cook at home and stop eating out, which is such an expensive thing to do.  Even with the best of intentions of eating healthy while dining out, it is rather hard to do, when I can't tell how things are really being.  Things that sound healthy at places, aren't necessarily heatlhy.  Salads as we all know can be a death trap of calories with all the stuff they add to it! 

    So yesterday, was my first day of back to preparing my own food and getting my tail outside to get some workouts in.  Does anyone else struggle with working out in the winter?  The cold just adds a whole other hurdle to overcome in excercising!   

    In True Form, here is my recap of what I ate on Monday Nov 14th..not a perfect food day...

         Cup of Coffee

    Mid Am Snack
         2 Tomatoes
         Mushroom Cap (I love mushrooms)

         Kale Salad (Oh how I missed eating you)  It was delish!

    Afternoon Snack (b-day celebration @ work)
         Slice of Strawberry shortcake

         1 tomato

    Now that I have logged this, for some odd reason, I have been craving tomatoes.  Hmm!  But I do love the little boogers.

         45 min Neighborhood Walk

    On another note I wanna share my victory over this past weekend.  I had signed up for a charity spinnning event called Sweat for A Vet.  I signed up to spin for 3 hours...and I successfully completed it!  It was hard!  The 3rd hour was by far the hardest and I almost felt like I was gonna pass out.  But I completed all 3 hours!  Yeah Me!

    Talk you guys later!