Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Product Recommendation: Pretzel Chips

Well thanks to the snack sampler at my local Sprouts Farmer's Market, I have found a new delightfully tasty snack!  I am not sure if it is the healthiest snack option, but it sure is yummie!  I took a sample while shopping yesterday at Sprouts.  My sample was so good, I went back for a second sample and had to buy a bag!  So what is the snack you ask?

Snack Factory Pretzel Chips: The Chipotle Cheddar Flavor. 

If you like things with a nice kick to them, then this is definitaley a snack you should try!  The cheddar flavor on the pretzel is not overpowering, so if you are not a cheese lover, you may be able to still handle these.  The bag is 7.02 ounces and it was $2.99 I think.  Kinda pricey.  I will have to shop around for a cheaper price and definately a bigger bag!  

These pretzel chips would be great for dipping, and maybe even with hummus.  But greedy me, just ate them plain.   A serving size is 10 chips, 110 calories.   Not bad in my opinion. 

I am officially hooked on them.  I brought the bag I bought into work and had some of my co-workers try it.  So far everyone loves them!  Especially me!  Ya can't just eat one!

Pretzel Chips are available in other flavors!  I really recommend you try them!  Find out more about the product and where you can buy them online at  Enjoy!  I promise you won't be disappointed!

See you next time!


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