Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July and Stuff...

Well I am writing from the living room, tired, sipping of a white chocolate latte!  Not the best post walk drink.  But I need a pick me up! 

I finally made it out to my first Black Girl Run event!  The Run leader gave us 2 route options, (1) was 2.8 miles; (2) was 4.8 miles.  In an attempt to push myself I opted for the 4.8 mile route.  It was been a very long time since I put in such mileage.  So I said well you may as well do it!  From the get go...killer shin splints in my left leg.  This is becoming a normal thing with this leg.  Even when on the treadmill, I get them.  I took a breif pause to stretch it helped some.   Note to Self:  Spend more time stretching before heading out there! 

I was doing okay...I was able to stay a few steps behind a walker, Ruby.  She kept a pretty good pace and my goal was not to fall to far behind her.  Like I said, I was doing okay, until....HILL!  And the gap widened!  The hill/incline was at the end of the walk, I was already dead tired and pushing myself up it, was a challenge but I made it!  Another Note to Self:  Get yo' lazy tail back outside to walk!

Walking is so simple, its such a basic form of excercise and I allowed my love for cycling, spin class, water aerobics, and kick boxing stop me from my walking.  This was a wake up call for me.  So I have to take some of the other "fluff" off of my workout calendar and get back to the basics!

Here was the walking route:

And a lovely pictures of the group!  They almost made me cry!  But I like them, I am glad to be in the mix of things!
This will likely be my only post for the day, so Have a Great 4th everyone!  Until next time!



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