Well gang, Today for me, was a day from the pits! I will give you the cliff notes version...I had a 12 hour work day. Highly stressed! I can't even explain! But none the less, I told myself we are sticking to detox mode. Again, not a perfect day, I had a mid-afternoon slip up. My co-worker and her kind and generous self offered to buy my coffee & a cookie! So you know I could not resist! That was the slip up for the day, and even after 12 hour day at work...I made to to spin class! I got to spin class late, but I made it! This was my first spin class since, I don't know when. I am so out of practice! Oh my!
So a quick recap of today's eats just to keep me accountable:
Pre-Breakfast (eaten before leaving the house)
Detox Beetroot Juice
- 1 carrot
- 1 apple
- 3 celery stalks
- 1 small beet
- 3 leaves of Kale
- 1/2 of a fennel bulb
Ran all through the juicer for a nice glass of yummy-ness and liver & kidney detoxing!
There was no-mid morning snack
Lunch: my prepacked veggie tray. Cucumbers, celery, carrots, black beans, salsa & some hummus
Mid Afternoon Snack: White Chocolate Latte & a chocolate chip cookie from Coffee Bean
Dinner: the other 1/2 of my chia seed pudding
Workout: 55 minutes of Spinning
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