Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday Prep Day

Whew.  Time is going by way way too fast!  Well as I try to regain control of myself after my Holiday Freedom.  It was time to get prepared.  I spent today grocery shopping and planning my meals for the week.  So I sit here as some chicken is cooking and I am letting my spinach, lettuce & kale drip in the coliander so I can cut it all up. 

Again, I want to give a shout out to Sprouts Farmers Market!  They have truly been a heaven sent in my dieting!  I love being able to get quality, fresh, produce for cheap prices.  I got to stock up today on Blueberries, Blackberries, Grapefruit, appleas, Kale, Spinach, Spring Mix, Cucumbers, tomatoes, chicken breasts and mahi mahi!!!!  

My energy level has been noticeable lower now that I have been eating junk for 2 months.  So I decided today to splurge on some vitamin B-12 drops.  Again bought at Sprouts.  The bottle recommends 25 drops under the tongue. In all honesty, I tried to count the drops, but I lost count somewhere.  I hope I took enough!  I will see in a couple of days if I notice a change. 

So here is my plan of attack for the days ahead

Breakfast:  Black Coffee, Eggs, with side of Veggies
Lunch:  Some form of Salad that I will make
Dinner:  Some form of Salad that I will make
Snacks:  Veggies or Fruit
And lastly...time to recommit myself to physical activity and being accountable on the blog.  I've added a few things to my workout calendar.  I will see how things go before I plan the rest of the week.  I am honestly concerned that I will be sore after about Wednesday.   I just saw a commercial for the Susan G Komen Cancer walk 20 miles for 3 days.  I am intrigued...time to hit Google and find out more about it. 

I'm Out...Stay tuned, the journey continues.


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