Friday, August 10, 2012

Tired from Temescal Thursday

Howdy...Thursday has come and gone and I am still trying to recover from that hike on Wednesday.  I was so unprepared for what I am currently experiencing 

Thursday I was fighting sleep all day, I am so tired, so low on energy and oh so sore!  Kickboxing was on the workout schedule for Thursday, but that so did not happen!  I didn't do any physical activities on Thursday.  I could not muster up any energy to get moving.

It is unusually warm for Los Angeles right now, so the heat inspired me to make a smoothie!  So I broke out the bag of 3 Berry Blend from Costco, Pulled out my Cranberry Juice and of course the blender and Voila! Berry Smoothie!  I had no honey or sweetener at the house so this smoothie was rather tart!

3 Berry Smoothie

My other interest concoction of the evening, I am calling Kyra's Chicken Boil Surprise.  It was a tasty meal made by accident!  No recipe, no pre-planning the ingredients, I just said, It's too hot to bake this chicken, so I am going to boil it!

Chicken Boil Surprise
Kirkland Chicken Breast Tenderloin (defrosted)
1/2 bag of Trader Joes Southern Green Blend
Maybe a 1/4 cup of frozen corn
Maybe 2 cups of Frozen Broccoli

I pulled out my skillet, I added some olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and water.  Brought it to a boil then added the chicken breast.  Let that Boil for about 15 minutes then I added in the veggies.  And let that boil for 3-5 minutes.  I also added the juice of 1 whole lemon.   Dinner is ready!

I scooped it out of the pan into my handy bowl here and ate it!  It was surprisingly tasty!  I hope I can re-create it again one day! 

So that is all for Thursday.  See you guys later!


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