Monday is an okay day...made a bad food choice for dinner, but this is what happens when I don't take the time to prep my meals on the weekends. I wanted to hit the gym, but that didn't happen!
Breakfast: Coffee, 2 hard boiled eggs, Applegate Organic ham
Lunch: Kale Salad (kale, feta cheese, cucumbers, tomato, dill, braggs apple cider vinger, juice of 1 lemon) Good stuff! I really love Kale!
Dinner: An Italian Sub from Togo's.
Why I ate it? I have no clue..but it sure was tasty!
I made my Sprout's Farmers Market run after work. Stocked up on My Kale, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, get the point. I'm back to eating my fresh produce! Oh how I miss it!
Nothing to eventful today, but here is a picture of me at work. Blouse was purchased over the weekend at Kohls. I'm bargain shopping until my weight stablizes. The black slacks are old...had them for years, but they are from Lane Bryant, I was finally able to get back into them about a month ago!
September 19, 2011 |
Hi! I'm another LA blogger working on my fitness. I saw you comment on Lorrie's blog, and thought I should say hello, since we live in the same town!
That kale salad sounds great. I just got into kale and chard for the first time this year, and it's been a new favorite. (I made a chard and leek frittata for dinner last night - bet it'd be good with kale, too!)
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