Monday, October 10, 2011

And the Omron Scale Says...70 years old!!!

Well today I went in for first week assessment with Alain @ Abs Club LA. He was pretty darn excited today. Why? He has this Omron HBF-514 scale that measures body fat, viseral fat, my weight, my body age and BMI. Well for hte longest time, I was too heavy for the machine. I would never give me a reading. Hopefull Alain, had me get on the Omron Scale again today to see if it would read, and boy george...IT DID! He was really happy, like little kid at Christmas Happy.

So the machine was able to give me my weight, my body fat, BMI, and my body age! Unfortunately, I didn't remember all the numbers, but the one number I remember is the body Age. The Omron scale told me my body age was 70! Wowzers!

Despite the surprising 70 year old reading. I am actually very impressed with this scale. The model that Alain uses is the Omron HBF-514, and I think at some point I may have to invest in one.



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