This has been hell week it seems like. Everything that could possibly go wrong at work, seems to be going wrong. We had auditors in the office for hte last 2 weeks so that is adding to my stress and headaches. Thankfully, today was his last day, and he has left us.
So unto the boring food stuff. I had a good eat day. I have not had dinner yet, but I am not feeling hungry so I may just have some water and eat a piece of fruit.
Breakfast: Coffee
Mid Am Snack: 1/2 of Grapefruit
Lunch: Salad with Salmon, lemon juice for dressing
Mid Afternoon Snack: Melba Toast
Dinner: Questionable at this point.
- 30 minutes with Personal Trainer Jen
- 23 minutes...1.17 mile walk. I actually made it out for a walk today! It's been such a long time since I have gone out for a stroll. I needed it. It relaxes me and clears my head! Went to a new park called Carl Neilsen Youth Park and walked the perimeter of the park.
That's all for now. Gonna hit the shower and make my lunch for tomorrow.
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