Monday, May 21, 2012

Back on the Bandwagon

Howdy guys.  So last week as you can see I punked out of any physical activities because of PMS.  So today I am getting back to the routine.  I am kind of disappointed in myself.  I knew I could have pushed through some of the PMS stuff and at least go for a walk, but I gave in!  Oh well, I will do better next month.  I promise!  Yesterday I was feeling okay, and I kept telling myself to go walk on the beach, but lazy me, didn't go out.  I guess even though I blamed it on PMS, I guess the real reason I didn't go work out all week, is just plain and simply...I DID NOT WANT TOO!  Let's just keep it real!

So this morning I scrambled around to make sure I had food rations in the office.  I can't get back on the regime without proper planning.  So last night, I actually managed to bake some chicken breasts.  4 to be I have enough chicken for a couple of meals.  So here is what I packed up this morning.
Here is the inventory.  The bowl with the blue lid, is a salad, thats my salad dressing bottle on the top of the bowl.  the flat bowl with the clear lid, is a baked chicken breast with some Lentils!  I heart lentils!  Some apples, grapefruit and some celery sticks. I am hoping this will keep me for 2 days at work.  This is just my work food.

I am in the midst of my own personal recession.  So this morning I am eating something, I normally don't like.  But today for some odd reason, it tasted pretty good.  I am eating Oatmeal!  This is helping me in my recession status because, they provide it free in our office lunchroom!  So I whipped up one of those Quaker Oatmeal packs in a cup and I eating and blogging at the same time!  I threw some Chia seeds in there, but I am impressed, I can tolerate this oatmeal!

I signed up for a challenge on Fitclick.  It was the 90-day Weight Loss Challenge.  I starts today, so  I am hoping it become something that will keep me motivated!   To win the challenge I need to have the highest percentage of weight loss!  So...this made me get on the scale this morning!  And all I can say is GASP!  I did not like the number that popped up!

Well this is turning out to be a long blog post!  Well just a few more things I want to mention.  I joined a running group called, Black Girls Run.  I am going to join them for my first run on Wednesday.  I also finally snagged up some cheap boxing gloves...thanks to Craiglist!  I paid a whole $10 for some almost brand new Everlast boxing gloves!  Kickboxing & I come!  Okay I am done babbling!  Talk to you guys later!


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