Thursday, May 10, 2012

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Here it is Thursday and all my workout plans and meal plans have gone haywire!  I have cancelled every scheduled workout and well..I cooked my meals brought them to work and for some odd reason, I find myself at Rally's, Popeyes, & ToGo's.  I woke up this morning thinking man, what a whirlwind of a week.  What happened.

So in true fashion I started blaming, meetings, appointments, People, etc.  Which in all honesty are just all excuses...really bad ones!  LOL!  I started to hear that little voice of my friend D, that always said to me, Kyra you have no excuse NOT to work out...your gym is open 24 hours a day!  What can I say truth hurts some times...but she is right!  I can get into 24 Hour Fitness at any time of day...I am w/o excuse!

So today, its time to get back to reality, time to get back on track.  I am gonna work out today.  I don't know I will make it to spin class, but I will be doing some form of activity for at least 45 minutes today.  I also started planning out next weeks strategy.  Next week should hopefully be better, not to many meetings, not to many appointments...I hope that does not change!

I am having thoughts of going back to water aerobics.  I think I may have to make a couple of visits next week @ 24 Hour Ftiness!  I noticed this morning that they will be closing down the gym for a few days to make some "improvements"  I am excited!  I can't wait to see what they will do!

That is all for now, just wanted to make a quick post, I will figure out the workout agenda for next week and get to it!  Thanks for reading! :0)


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