Saturday, June 11, 2011

Searching for Sale Saturday (June 11th)

Yup...searching for sales, that is how I spent most of my Saturday.  I am still on the hunt of furniture for my bedroom.  I was beginning to regret the fact that I gave away my old set!  I'm in my new place for about a month and had no where to put my clothes.  It was really driving me nuts. 

Friday after work I search in Torrance.  Drove up and down Hawthorne Blvd.  Didn't find any bedroom furniture that I like.  But I found a writing desk & a filing cabinet that I liked so I got those on Friday. So Saturday off I went furniture hunting again.  And after about 3 or 4 place...I drove over to Rent A Center.  And Walla...I found a set for a very very good price!  $580 for Dresser with mirrow, chest, 2 night stands, and a headboard!  It will be delivered on Tuesday!  I am so excited!  That is a picture of the Bedroom Set to the left! 

Then I had a coupon for Bath & Body I went there.  Stocked up on Wallflowers, room sprays, and handsoap for the bathroom.  I love that place and that stuff especially when things are on sale and when I have a $10 off coupon!

Then I went to the Avenue...long story short, they have some really nice summer dresses!  I got 2! 

So While I am here, I may was well post my eatings for hte day.  I did not update my food journal, but its was probably a high calorie day.

     White Chocolate Latte
     Sausage & Egg McMuffin

     Chicken Fingers
     French Fries

     Subway:  Spicy Italian Sub
    Dr. Pepper

Okay it's way past my bed time.  Off I go.  Chat with you later.


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