Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunny Days Ahead...Sunday June 26th

Hi...this is a late night post for me.  I was sitting here reflecting back on teh day and all that I am so blessed with and all that I am so grateful for.  The list is so long, I can't list it all.  But the feeling of hope, the sense of hope brings so much joy, and happiness.  I am very very very very very grateful that the spirit of discouragement is no longer present.  I realize today, well I actually realized in the past also, that all the negative self talk must stop.  I have allowed to speak negativity on myself which has cause much of my fear and insecurities to move forward and do.  I must be more aware of what I let come out of my mouth and really began to speak life to myself.  My future lies in my positive confirmations and speaking the promises of God over myself.  Speak Life....

Today was an awesome day.  I woke up all excited, it was finally here.  The day of hte Walk With Ease Certifcation.  So off I went to Pasadena to be trained.  it was great.  Class is over, now its time for implementation. 

     7-11 Coffee

Mid AM Snack
     Breakfast Bar

Lunch @ some italian restaurant in Pasadena
     Lots of the "free" bread
     Chicken & Veggies
     Pinkberry Frozen original w/ strawberries

NO dinner what I had for lunch sustained me for the day

     Walking @ Leader Training
     Treadmill- 30 minutes

That's all it's late and I must be getting to bed.  Tomorrow I am off to Magic Mountain!  TATA!



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