Thursday, June 2, 2011

Recap of Wednesday June 1, 2011

Alrighty, as you can see I forgot to update things last night.  So here is a quick run down of yesterday, hopefully I remembered everything. 

    Cup of Baked Apple Oatmeal
    Cup of Yogi Berry DeTox Tea
    Cup of veggies (brussel sprouts & broccoli)

Mid Morning Snack

    Homemade Salad (spinach, lettuce, chicken, balsamic vinagriette)
    1 steak taco (that was very nasty by the way, and I did not eat the shell just the middle)

Afternoon Snack
     Small bag of Sour Cream & Onion Chips (smh)

   Big Buford Burger from Rallys (smh...again)

I was very very excited yesterday, I started to add things to my online food journal @, and as I was on the website I noticed they had an app for the Iphone!  Imagine my excitement.  So I downloaded it on my phone and its cool, its very user friendly, and all the foods I have entered online I have access to on my phone.  I now have no excuse not to keep my food journal updated!  This goes down as a product recommendation! 




Linga said...

How's the Yogi Berry Detox Tea?

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