Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blah Blah Blah

I'm kinda in an unmotived funk.  I was talking about my unmotivation with my trainer Jen today, and she said it's probably because of the weather.  Yesterday here in California, he had rain most of the day and it was so cold.  We got an early taste of fall/winter in October.  Today was a bit windy, still a chill in the air, but by the time I left work, it was actually very nice outside.

This has been hell week it seems like.  Everything that could possibly go wrong at work, seems to be going wrong.  We had auditors in the office for hte last 2 weeks so that is adding to my stress and headaches.  Thankfully, today was his last day, and he has left us. 

So unto the boring food stuff.  I had a good eat day.  I have not had dinner yet, but I am not feeling hungry so I may just have some water and eat a piece of fruit.

Breakfast:     Coffee

Mid Am Snack:  1/2 of Grapefruit

Lunch:   Salad with Salmon, lemon juice for dressing

Mid Afternoon Snack:  Melba Toast

Dinner: Questionable at this point.

  • 30 minutes with Personal Trainer Jen
  • 23 minutes...1.17 mile walk.  I actually made it out for a walk today!  It's been such a long time since I have gone out for a stroll.  I needed it.  It relaxes me and clears my head!  Went to a new park called Carl Neilsen Youth Park and walked the perimeter of the park.  
Here is a quick map route of where I walked, courtesy of the Endomondo app.

That's all for now.  Gonna hit the shower and make my lunch for tomorrow.


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