Thursday, February 9, 2012

Feeling Kinda Fishy...

Today was the most slowest moving day!  Oh my goodness!  I felt like I was at work for 30 hours!  Today mother nature surprised me with fantastic weather.  I was completely overjoyed!  I really do love California weather! 

Today AMC is doing an midnight release of Safe House.  I really would like to go, but I doubt I will be able to stay up.  I tried to take a nap when I got home, but I was not able too.  If by some miracle I am still up at midnight.....I will be at the movies.

Mahi Mahi & Steamed Cabbage

Today I had 2 wierd cravings/desires.  I had a bad craving for some fish and I had the desire to cook!  I have gotten so used to my bulk cooking that I only cook once a week.  But since I had a taste for fish, I was time for a dinner creation!  I made some Mahi Mahi and some steamed red cabbage.  It was very tasty and very filling!

So here is the eats for the day:

     Eggs, sausage, salsa

Mid AM Snack

     Special Tuna Salad (its not your typical tuna salad)

Mid Afternoon Snack
     White Chocolate Latte

     Mahi Mahi
     Steamed Red Cabbage

So my special tuna salad.  Trade Joes carries a product called Egg white Salad.  Very taste, very low in calories, high in protien!  My special tuna salad consists of an entire container of the Egg White Salad (100 cal, for the entire container) and 1 can of Albacore tuna.  Mixed together with a splash of salt, pepper and a tad of lemon juice! 

I love the egg White Salad from TJs and I will be doing a product recommendation on it momentarily.

     33 mins Treadmill (RYBO Stage 3) 
     Lat Pull Downs 3 sets of 10, 80lbs
     Back Extensions 3 sets of 12
     Tricep Extensions 3 sets of 12
     Leg Press 3 sets of 15; 180 lbs


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