Saturday, October 16, 2010

Feeling Like a Champ..Friday Recap

Today was a good day. A  long, tiring day, but a good day. 

Morning Workout:  Got to the gym @ 2:45am that is a new kinda early for me!
     30 Min Treadmill - track/flat course (3min walk/2min jog intervals) 334 calories burned
     Lat Pull Down - 80lbs 4 sets of 12
     Low Row - 60lbs 4 sets of 12
     Leg Press - 180lbs + bar 3 sets of 12
     **As I type this I am hearing eye of the tiger in the air.  Do you hear it too?  LOL!  I was feeling kinda wonderful and powerful after this workout. 

After Workout Eats
     1 cup cottage cheese
     Lots of water

Breakfast about 9am
    Pumpkin Spice Latte

     Ribs :0)  It's protein, don't hate!

Dinner:  I really didn't have a dinner.  I went to Crenshaw High School football game and worked the concession stand..  I ate 1 hot link, 1 can of pepsi and lots of water.
No calorie total for the day.  But all in all, I don't think its a bad eating day do you?  My feet are killing me from standing so long.  I need more supportive tennis shoes.

Night Night.



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