Monday, October 25, 2010

Just Checking In...

Sorry I have not posted anything since Thursday.  I am alive and well.  I have not done much excercising since my indoor rowing class.  I would recap my eating but I can't remember that far back. 

Thursday...I interviewed for a job at the Post office. That took up half my day.  I was there from 7:30 to about 12:30p.  I decided not to go through with the job and went home when I should have been taking a drug test.  Working for the Post office is no joke!  They were strict and demanded alot for $10 an hour w/ no benefits! 

Friday...I attended my first play.  I went to the Ahmanson Theater and saw Leap of Faith.  I enjoyed it, it was entertaining, comical, and kept my interest.  I was surprised I did not get bored sitting for 3 hours!

Saturday...I attended another play called I need thee.  It is horrible, boring and not done well at all!  Spent the evening in San Pedro.  San Pedro is a rather boring city, there was not much going on out there. 

Sunday...nothing exciting just church and went home.  Continued to struggle with my bad back pain and horrible cramps!  

And now it's Monday!  Back to work and I am trying to get back on my routine.  I will be sure to post tonight.  Tata!


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