Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekend Recap

Weekend blogging is become a hard thing to do, but I decided to multi-task and blog during the commercials of The Good Wife.  The show is getting so good!

The weekend was pretty good.  I had some splurges on Saturday..popcorn, soda, candy!  I went to the movies and treated myself.  Then Sunday it was Wendys!  So not a good eating weekend.  I am happy to report I did stay active over the weekend.  I lifted weights, did the RYBO program, and even went to spin class!  Surprising eh?  I was so surprised with myself. 

The Cali weather was wonderful, I got to spend some time at the beach!  That made me extremely happy.  The water so calming so relaxing, I love it.  That is all for now.  I am scared to weigh tomorrow after all the junk I ate...but I must! 

See you tomorrow!


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