Friday, September 3, 2010

A Good Friday....

Hey guys! I am so glad Friday is here and I was very excited to leave work early!  I had such great plans for this leaving work early day.  But none of those plans occured.  Anywho, I had a pretty decent day.  Work was a bit busier than expected for a Friday, but I survived.

Friday's eats....

     4 scrambled eggs w/ 1/2 cup of veggies
     Whole Grain English muffin
     White Chocolate Latte


     4oz Chicken
     1 cup Cabbage
     1 cup Zuchini

     Muscle Milk Protein Shake

     4oz Chicken
Total Calories 1,473

I did not get a workout in today.  And even as I type this up, I am debating on whether or not to go to the gym and get a workout in. I am very undecided about this...I would love to try to complete my Fitness Challenge this weekend, either Saturday or on Monday for the Holiday.   What to do, what to do.  Well if I make it to the gym tonight I will post my workout in the morning.  Good Night all!  Talk to you tomorrow!


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