Thursday, September 9, 2010

KFC is evil!

Started the morning off with another little walk.  I parked my car in one of the surrounding residential areas and walked to the office.  Depending on how I feel after work I will walk.  I started this day with no packed food hoping it will help me stay on my liquid diet.  I stocked up the office & the house with stuff to make protein shakes, I have my crystal light, propel and good ole fashion water, hoping I could make it through the day without eating.  Sad to report I didn't!  I tried I really did. But tomorrow is another day.  I will try to do better.
AM Workout
     20 Min Neighborhood Walk Century City 1.07 miles
     Pico/Overland to Olympic/Beverly Glen

     Muscle Milk Protein Shake

     Atkins Protein Shake


Dinner "aka meal of tempation, details to follow"
     5 Hot Wings
     Potato Wedges

     Muscle Milk Protein Shake

Evening Workout
     40 min Neighborhood Walk - Century City (constellation/Ave of the stars to Pico/Overland)
     Approx 2 miles

Meal of Tempation: The Story
Okay so here I am on my evening neighborhood walk after work.  I had already been walking for about 30 minutes, I am walking down Pico Blvd and I see a KFC!  That is all it took, I wanted some KFC.  So low and behold I walked my tail into KFC and ordered a hot wing combo!  Can you believe that?  In the middle of me trying to walk for excerise I take a detour to KFC!  Again....I amuse myself. 


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