Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ms. Piggy Has arrived...

I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to keep from being hungry in the mornings!  I today I felt like I was eating all throughout the day, which is true in a sense, but I am thankful I stayed with my planned & plated meals, with the expection of one snack item.  Maybe I am having breakfat to early?  I am eating breakfast @ like 5:30am, but today by like 10-something I was already eating my lunch...I was hungry, even after having breakfast and my morning snack. 

Morning Eats
      Muscle Milk Protein Shake
      4 scrambled eggs
Morning Snack
     Fat Free Greek Yogurt

     4oz Chicken tenders
     1 cup of Cabbage
     1 cup of spinach

Afternoon Snack
     Sour Cream & Onion Chips

     4oz Chicken tenders
     1 cup italian squash
     1 cup spinach
Ending Calories: 1283!!!  Such an improvement from yesterday!

     Cardio: 1 hour walk - Ken Hahn Park
     Today I made it around the Kenneth Hahn Park 4 times!  I had only been doing 3 laps before. Walking that park is hard because of the inclines...but today i could feel it was getting easier!  I was so excited & grateful! 

That is all for today, nothing to eventful or dramatic happening today.  Toodles!



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